In World of Macro Menace, FX Traders Are Either Clueless or Calm
Bloomberg/Maven: Why does the most liquid currency pair trade at historically low volatilities in a world full of macro risks? Maven’s comment on EUR-USD vol
Bloomberg/Maven: Why does the most liquid currency pair trade at historically low volatilities in a world full of macro risks? Maven’s comment on EUR-USD vol
Bloomberg on Winners/Losers from GBP depreciation – brief Maven quote
How do you trade Brexit? Maven quoted in Brexit article by Bloomberg
Maven’s Kassimatis quoted in very interesting Bloomberg article – #hedging at times of low #volatility.
Maven’s Philippos Kassimatis in Bloomberg talking about potential catalysts that can spook markets and create volatility spikes in the next few months
Great coverage of research paper by European Central Bank – Maven had a small contribution to the paper
Maven comments on Metals price action at Reuters article – trade talks and macro environment key focus points
Maven comments on local currency lending trend by Development Finance Institutions in today’s Financial Times
Brexit Hedging thoughts by Maven in today’s City AM